Are You Living Your Best Life?
I’m sitting here – over a week after Canadian Thanksgiving and pondering the idea of “Living My Best Life”. This is after being quite unwell for the past couple of weeks. I haven’t had any type of illness for the past four years and it took out of me much more than I thought possible. […]
Walking Journey – Movement to Health
Wow! Can you believe the summer is almost over? I took a well needed rest from shows and writing to continue my journey to Health, my walking journey. I honestly didn’t expect to continue the walking journey for 2 years when I first started walking for health – but here we are. And it has […]
Pursuit of Happiness
The elusive pursuit for gaining happiness – if we are asking the question about what we truly desire through our continued examination of what we want and why – ultimately we discover that it truly and simply is: Happiness is what we deeply desire. This is a built-in response to living our lives with Joy! […]
Consciousness of Sabotaging Change
Here we are enJOYing Spring… Oh wait… NO! Spring here in Toronto seems to be off and on. That is Canada! But sometimes we become impatient for the change from Winter to Spring to happen. And why is this? As we approach Spring we often think of making changes in our lives. New Beginnings. This […]
These Boots … Again
So the last time I wrote – These Boots are Made for Walking I had just finished a year of walking. This past week I completed six months of walking over ten miles each day (began Sept 13th). And this week – From Sept 18th 2020: has added up to a year and a half […]
Unconditional Love, Kindness and Compassion
It is family day here in Toronto as I write this which is February 21 this year. On March 1st we will officially no longer have a vaccine passport in our country. And we have the ‘winter stations’ – a beautiful series of art installation, here on the beach in Toronto. One of the new […]
Love at Any Age is Possible
Feb is always “Love Month” at IntuitiveSoul. These past years have been challenging for anyone who has been single due to the Social Distancing and Stay-at-Home orders. It hasn’t been easy for anyone. Last year when talking with Tom Campbell he offered some suggestions to connect via online – but what I found was that […]
2020 2.0 Year of Ascension Do-Over
For those who read my New Year’s Message for 2020 it was about the Year of Ascension. I was naïve to believe that because we had reached a tipping point that we were about to achieve the Ascension we have been preparing for. Instead we were hit by a darkness that I couldn’t have imagined […]
What I learned the past 20 months
As I begin writing this on Remembrance/Veteran’s day – and consider us nearing the end of 2021 – I ponder what the lessons were over the past 20 months where our World changed and we traversed this New Normal. I also wonder what the reasons were for this pandemic that changed the world. Of course, […]
Chrysalis to Butterfly
This month I had an excellent interview with Tracy McBurney on Clear Hearts. Tracy discussed a documentary with Bruce Lipton that is on Gaia network. Bruce spoke about the fact that we have been in a Chrysalis since 2020 and are in the ‘goo’ stage where the caterpillar has dissolved and the Butterfly is about to […]
These Boots are made for Walking…
Ok, now that everyone is humming the great tune, know that this blog has nothing to do with walking all over a man who cheated me! It is, however, about how once again realizing that our bodies are meant for walking. As those who follow me know, I decided to take off the summer from […]
The Deliciousness of Magic
Lately everything has been steering me towards exploring Manifestation and Magic. This summer I am choosing to take a step back and focus on my health and well-being and this time has allowed me to explore moving my body towards health. As a result I am delving into all forms of knowledge available to expand […]
This is Happening FOR Us
This past week I had a fabulous show with Tracy McBurney about Connecting with Spirit and we used the show as a reminder that whatever we are feeling … this isn’t happening TO us – it is happening FOR us! This past 14 months has been overwhelming and frustrating. Our lives are forever changed and […]
Forgiveness or Acceptance
I’m sitting here on Easter weekend, thinking about how we have yet another lockdown – or rather a continued lockdown since November here in Toronto. We lost the few gains made allowing us to sit outdoors in March to eat at restaurants – I mean who doesn’t want to sit outdoors in Canada in March […]
A Year in the Life…
What no one expected: a Year of disruption, isolation, Lockdown and a New Normal. March 13th 2020 was the day in Canada that we had our first indication that things were going to get messy – school was not going to resume after the March Break – a week-long break that was beginning the next […]
Love Matters
This year I decided it would be cathartic if I wrote my blog on my birthday – I’m not sure why that felt important… but I knew that writing for me is empowering and, as we head into Love Month, February, the month that holds Valentine’s Day, this would be profound for me. This would […]
2021 Angel Message
After the year we have almost completed – it isn’t a surprise that the word of the Year is Faith. Something we have all seemed to have lost. 2020, the Year of Ascension, depended on what choices we made. If we allowed LOVE to govern us throughout the year, then we evolved our Soul […]
Consciousness of Happiness
I feel like we have come to a very important threshold for the year of 2020 – the Year of Ascension and Spiritual Growth that I wrote about at the beginning of the year. As we come to the end of the year all the planets align to create more Happiness in our lives. However, […]
2020 Vision and the Antidotes to Fear and Stress
I think back to the beginning of this year – with my 2020 Vision – and wonder how we missed most of this year to a virus that left us holding our breath and waiting – holding our breath and waiting instead of creating the vision we knew was ours. The ‘holding our breath and […]
A New Kind of Gentle Kindness
Since March 13th we have been part of A New Normal and as much as we are ready for this to end are we are actually ready yet? Are we ready for a world that is changing to a New ‘Kind’ of Gentle and Kindness? Every day we see new posts about Conspiracies and […]