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What Affects Your Business?

You may not even be aware of it but your professional energy may be burdened by past business/employment relationships with colleagues, co-workers, bosses, and family where you may harbor old grudges and unresolved issues. Attachments to other people, material things, or the distraction of “social media” in your life can deplete your professional energy. An […]

Love IS…

Most of our definitions of romantic love are constructs of love dictated to us through the use of media and our experiences from our childhood that defined love. Both of these ‘ideals’ are inaccurate and often have nothing to do with love at all, but are rather a reflection of our needs and wants in […]

The Filters of Fear or Love

Last month we discussed “expectations and attachments” and how they impact our enjoyment of life through keeping us stuck in how we respond to situations and people. Through this I shared that we all have filters on how we view the world. We often find it difficult to comprehend how a certain filter, such as […]

Expectations and Attachments

We have all heard that we have Infinite Possibilities available to us as long as we can let go of expectations and are unattached to the outcome. Have you ever created a perfect moment? Have you ever connected to your Bliss where the Universe can’t help but reward you with feeling Love and Joy? We […]

Feelings vs Emotions

This month my inspiration came from Emmanuel Dagher’s Club Miracles healing call – where he discussed the difference between Emotions and Feelings. I found it fascinating: he sees our emotions as something we have judged as either good or bad – where our feelings are from a state of BEing and are not identified or […]

Heart-Conscious Intentions

I read something this past week that peaked my interest and had me considering once again what we truly want and whether what we want is beneficial for us or if what we want is what we think we ‘should’ be doing. And what if how things worked in the past is no longer how anything […]

Contemplating Love

As I contemplate my birthday today (written on birthday) I wonder about Love Month this year. Each year since I began this blog I have chosen February as Love Month and write something that I hope will inspire you to Love Unconditionally … or choose Love over fear. This has been quite the last couple […]

How will you Master 2018

Happy New Year 2018! The year of Mastery and Love! I have seen different posts on what this year will be about. Intuitively I feel that this year is about Mastery and Love. I feel it is always important to set your intentions each New Year and forget your resolutions. Intentions are a choice we […]

Magic and Worthiness

As the Holidays approach I always feel the essence of Magic all around us. This energy is always present but feels stronger this time of year because of the excitement and anticipation of getting gifts for our loved ones and planning get-togethers with everyone who is important to us. Yet I know that for some […]

Shifting Victim Consciousness

I had an amazing interview with my favorite nuclear physicist Tom Campbell at the beginning of the month that we labeled “Tough Love”. This show had some very controversial points made that listeners responded to. The show really discussed how to ‘Let Go’ but most of the responses were to comments made around Victim Consciousness […]

Keeping your Energy Clear

What a summer this fall has been! Caught in a heat warning for the past week I have been examining how we deal with our life and energy. This past week especially – near the end of the Heat wave we experienced – I felt slammed energetically between being over worked and being drained due […]

Letting GO – Is it a Choice?

‘Letting Go’ is a concept I have worked with and discussed in my blogs for many years. Sometimes I feel that I understand it from just a mental notion and other times I feel that I understand it from a BEing level. However, offering a way for others to work with ‘letting go’ is not […]

Transitions: Fears from Change to Death

Transition can mean several different things. It can mean change; it can mean we are going through a different phase in our lives; or it can mean the ultimate transition, death. There seems to be a lot of fear around ‘transition’ and ‘change’ and maybe there is something in the word ‘transition’ that brings up […]

From Me to Unconditional Love and Acceptance

This past month I have been very aware and focused on something that I have been discussing with Tom Campbell (and others) and writing about for the past couple of years: How to come from a place of unconditional love and acceptance. We often are too focused on how others affect us or when something […]

Happiness – Consciousness of Relationships

This month I really didn’t know where I wanted to go with my Blog nor my interview on Apr 25th with Tom Campbell. However I had a few areas that were showing up within my readings with different authors who’s interviews are coming up (like Paul Selig – should be a fabulous interview in June) […]

Why you might want a House Clearing and Blessing

It isn’t just the economic times, market correction or interest rates that impacts home sales. Have you ever walked into a room and felt like something was wrong? Perhaps you felt the air was thick, as if you could almost feel an argument that occurred there many hours earlier? Do you sometimes walk into a […]

Understanding Our Choices

Understanding our choices is the topic I want to explore this month. This month has been filled with choices: some I found were sabotaging and others empowering. I filled my days during this Venus retrograde with new choices and becoming conscious of my sabotaging efforts as a result of those choices. I have been preparing […]

Healing through Dreams & Synchronicities

Seems like an odd direction for my thought process this month … however as I was preparing for a 21 day healing event with Emmanuel Dagher and Ziad Hashash – where I had to come up with the direction for this healing opportunity – I uncovered a series of what could be seen as unrelated […]

What is Intuitive Counseling?

Many people wonder what Intuitive Counseling or what an Intuitive Counselor is. This question comes up because it isn’t very clearly articulated for the public. There are many people who use Intuitive Counseling for psychic or intuitive readings. Some of my clients want a reading for the purpose of knowing what is coming up and […]

The Question of Love

February is Love month on Intuitive Soul and as I pondered what I wanted to write this year, two very important signs came into my awareness. I watched “Arrival” and I prepared for my second interview with Linda Howe. Why are these important? In some ways they don’t have anything to do with love and […]

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