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Laurie Huston

News for the Heart talks with James Twyman

James Twyman has always had a special affinity for St. Francis of Assisi, so much so that the NY Times bestselling author, film producer and internationally famed “Peace Troubadour” recently took orders as a Franciscan Hermit and was inspired to write his most recent book Giovanni and the Camino of St. Francis.   But now, Twyman will bring […]

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Thanksgiving/Holidays and Fear

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell Thanksgiving, Holidays and Fear. We began our discussion around thoughts of Gratitude and how we often focus instead on what is wrong. Our Ego becomes involved and we strive for the Perfect Holiday and this pushes us to judge and focuses us on […]

ThanksGiving and Fear

Why is it that the Thanksgiving Holiday season brings so much pain – especially when it is supposed to be a time for being thankful for what we have? It appears that the energies surrounding this year have intensified even more the challenges that many people are experiencing (especially the Canadian Thanksgiving which is celebrated […]

News for the Heart talks with Lori Wilson – Body Wisdom

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Lori Wilson on Body Wisdom. We discussed how Lori became a Medical Intuitive – learning through Grandmother and then connecting with Norman Shealy and Caroline Myss. Her teachings are now online so anyone can take them. We shared some of my journey and recent discoveries of […]

Fear and Health

As we move towards our Canadian Thanksgiving I contemplate all that I am thankful for: a sustaining and incredibly fulfilling career that I love; a home that is nurturing and holds many wonderful memories; great friends and family; and my beautiful and crazy Angel – my fur baby. I feel overwhelmingly Blessed!! The one area […]

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Fear and Health

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Fear and Health. We began our discussion talking about our thoughts and intention. Often we are too focused on what is wrong and bring too many thoughts about our fears. We become stressed and begin to create ‘dis-ease’ within our lives. Stress […]

News for the Heart: Tom Campbell talks Ego Consciousness

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Ego: Awareness in Service of Fear. Tom and I discussed Ego Consciousness and the difference between Ego and Super Ego. Super Ego is what we are looking for as it is in Service of Love. As in relation to Virtual Reality; to […]

Ego: Bad or Misunderstood?

As I am considering writing a book on fear and after my latest Blog which tried to define Fear – I feel the need to clarify fear and its relationship to Ego especially since many ‘spiritual’ teachers out there believe we need to get rid of our Ego because it is what holds us back […]

In Fear We Trust

After my retreat with Tom Campbell this past January I wrote that I was inspired to write a book and this is the beginning of that book. The working title, In Fear We Trust, came to me because even though we like to deny it our fears are what we put our trust in. When […]

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell – Making the World a Better Place

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Making the World a Better Place. This is the fourth installment of Virtual Realities where Tom and I discussed how we Grow Up discussing our Soul, choices we make, the tools we use that work for us and making them as simple […]

News For The Heart talks with Tom Campbell on What Reality is all About

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on What Realities are all About. This is the third installment of Virtual Realities where Tom and I discussed how our Reality began and how all the 7.5 billion people have evolved over the past 200,000 years. The Larger Consciousness System is here […]

Shame on… Me?

I’ve been contemplating many things over the past few years – when my health began to take a turn with chronic pain when I had two Frozen Shoulders several years ago. I began to take notice of my emotions and fears. Dealing with chronic pain was new to me and I wasn’t sure how to […]

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Past Lives

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Past Lives as a continuation of our discussion on Virtual Realities. However, first we discussed Tom’s experiments and where they are and how to support his experiments (which is at Tom and I discussed the how Past Lives impact our VR, […]

Past Lives

Recently I have been thinking a lot about past lives: why are they fleeting memories; why we chose to forget them; is there anything significant to learn by them; or are they just a distraction? The question is: I wonder if our past lives assist us to Grow Up towards Love or distract us from […]


  This has been an interesting month – many people are finding 2019 challenging so far. I have been excited and looking forward to spring and as I write this today we are just entering spring equinox. When considering the Canadian seasons winter, although often beautiful, is just too dark and cold most of the […]

News For The Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Virtual Realities

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Virtual Realities. Tom and I discussed the three different Virtual Realities, Dream world that has no rule set, our outer world that follows a rule set – like physics and our personal inner world that includes our “story” and how that influences […]

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Growing up with Immersives

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Growing Up through Immersives. I’m back from my trip to Lumley Castle and Paris and wanted to share about my experience with Tom and what his Immersives are all about. For me this was a life changing trip. I believe that whenever […]

Growing Up Through our Fears

As most of you know I went to an Immersive with Tom Campbell last month and then spent my birthday in Paris. I knew this event would change my life and it has. I didn’t know what to expect – even after interviewing Tom for the past decade and sharing his practical knowledge on how to […]

News for the Heart talks with Dr Luv on Lovify the World

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Author, Dr Luv on his The Quest to Lovify the World – Luvffirmations to change the World. Dr Luv invites us to Open our Hearts and Change the World through ForGiveness, Luvffirmations and Visualizations. This endearing little story gets to the Heart of what matters and […]

Consciousness of Relationships

This is Love Month and we will look at our relationships and how we continue to justify our fears by looking at the ‘other’ instead of understanding that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. We continue to worry, get angry, and justify our reactions because of someone else. It isn’t easy to […]

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