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Spring – New Beginnings

When we think of Spring – we think of New Beginnings. Why? What is it about this time of the year – a time more important than New Year’s and typically more important than the memory of beginning the new school year – that makes us consider New Beginnings? Groundhog day – which is something I am always fond of as I grew up close to our renowned albino groundhog Wiarton Willie – makes me excited to hear his predictions and this year many people saw an early Spring. Is this part of our pondering? When the snow makes way for new growth? Obviously there are many parts of the world where seasons aren’t as distinct as they are here in Canada. Do those who live in less seasonally-diverse climates also get excited about Spring? What about astrologers? What do they ‘see’? The Spring Equinox correlates to the beginning of the astrological year when we begin again with Aries. Many astrologers believe this is the true beginning of the New Year. Is this why we get excited?

I guess the question really is – when we have the access to this exciting energy of new growth and new beginnings – what are you going to do about it? The March 20th equinox this year EST correlates with Aries perfectly. Mercury Retrograde will have officially moved direct on the 10th although the shadow will be in tact until the 29th. Usually suggests that things will be a bit slower to achieve new beginnings. However, does that slow you down? What are the parts of creating something new that will assist us?

When I consider these questions, I still feel the excitement of the sun finally warming up and more sunlight offering us access to more energy. Here in the north, Spring is welcoming and anticipated – where the return of our Robins, Magnolias and Snowdrop flowers are signs we wait for to celebrate Spring. This weekend (Feb 22nd & 23rd) we are to see the first signs of Spring where weather almost or hopefully will reach double digits (Celsius). Mind you this winter has been a strange one from torrential rain to blasts of snow and several extreme cold days – we have seen it all and it hasn’t been that bad. Yet Spring is still Magical.

Spring creates opportunities to move, expand and generate anticipation and belief in Newness. Let’s explore some ideas that will guide us to New Beginnings.

Excitement – building: I thing that we first should allow the new energies that are building whether you feel new growth, seeds germinating, connected with the Sun and Equinox or Astrologers with Aries. The sun, regardless of where you are, comes into balance of light and darkness. The month before, during and after Equinox is when we either add more or less sun than any other time of the year (Spring we receive more sunlight and Fall less in the Northern hemisphere). This feels the most expansive! We just need to be aware of how these energies support New Beginnings. Support and reinforce the seeds of newness within us. Build on the excitement these energies and let them unfold. Remember what our bodies crave as we are never to remain stagnant but to always Grow – just like the Earth as she awakens to Spring. So play with the excitement within and allow it to fuel a way to manifest your dreams.

Getting clear about what you want. This is always the most important step. It is crucial when you get clear about what you want that it is from a place of expansion, growth and love, because unfortunately we usually make change from a place of fear. Fear is natural because we desire change when we feel we have no control over our lives. When we feel lack, we believe that money will change our lives. This is Fear triggering us to change, to believe that money is what we want and will create the change we desire. This is so far from the truth. Fear can never create the change we desire because we end up focusing on the problem. Money will never make the change we want. They say money is a reflection of our connection to Love and Abundance. If we have money problems then we have fears within us relating to our expression of Love and Abundance. Therefore it is best if we focus on the feelings that the energy of Money brings. What will the energy of Money create within us? Is it a sense of Freedom, Peace or Expansion? Choose the feeling of what we desire instead of the actual problem we are wanting to alleviate. Because the Universe will align with our Hearts and produce far more than could ever imagine if we stop trying to control it! Let Go!

Create a new story. Let’s face it we have this ‘story’ that is created from our perceptions of our experiences to date. It is full of fears and recreates our triggers to assist us to Grow Up. So, instead of reliving the same story over and over again, let’s begin anew. This past month I observed my reading habits. I love reading! What I observed while reading two series was that one was full of adversaries. There was a heroine and throughout the series, other than the heroine, I had no idea who I could trust. There was no real character development because there was so much betrayal and darkness. I only started to read the series because it suggested it was similar to an author I love. Unfortunately it was not the case and I continued to read hoping to reconciliate the differences and searching for some redeeming qualities that never came. Then I read a series that was full of Love and wonderful characters that you could really relate and aspire to be. Which do you think I enjoyed the most? Sure my past has many examples of betrayal and part of my old story became triggered but it also made me anxious and pained. I want to have a story that is full of Love and Nurturing Support. I want my story to be a series of Love, not fear. So let’s create that!

Heart Alignment. I believe the last aspect of this to align our Hearts towards the energies of what we want to create. The problem is our head/ego with its critical banter is what we hear the most. Our heart is the gentle guidance that is full of Love, Compassion and Joy. It guides us to be gentle to ourselves and to BE present. When we listen to it instead of our head – it won’t give you things to Do, you don’t have to change or fix anything – it will nurture you and inspire you to BE happy and loving. Listen to your Heart encouraging you to BE all you can BE.

Allow the Spring to inspire you towards something Magical. Create a New Beginning that is Heart generated and Passion filled. With Love and an Open Heart…