News for the Heart talks with Lori Wilson on Love

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Lori Wilson on Love. We discussed the three different kinds of Love as channeled by Grandmother; Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Hard Soul Helpers. She has offered to Gift us with her 2 hour long channeling if you go to her website InnerAccess101 and put in the code LH4U anyone listening to this show will be able to listen for free. We also had a channeling from Grandmother on Love and how we are doing as a planet. FYI we are doing better and are have passed the point where we are more Love than Fear. Lori’s site has many free meditations and offerings such as a daily focus and monthly focus as well. Inner Access 101 offers over 50 On-Line, Intuition-Based classes and to date have taught over 10,000 students how to “demystify intuition” and to “trust themselves first”. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
Enjoy hearing more from Lori Wilson at Inner Access 101 with the Intuition-Based Classes. Listen to the gifted 2-hour Webinar that goes into more detail about the love concepts we talked about on the show. Here is the link to Twin Flames, Soul Mates and Hard Soul Helpers. Just enter your coupon code: LH2U on the first page of the check out and you can enjoy it as Lori’s gift.
You may also enjoy hearing more from her Spirit Guide — Grandmother with the Daily Focus, a free message that talks about how to maximize the energetic climate of each and every day.
Browse Lori Wilsons’ Website:
To view all the On-Line Intuition-based classes