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Laurie Huston

What are you Resisting?

This week I interviewed Daniel Bax who suffered what was potentially a life threatening accident and he has become an inspiration for us all in transforming our lives and overcoming obstacles. He has faced the resistance of his body, mind and spirit through his intense life journey and has excelled beyond anyone’s expectations. However, for […]

Just Breathe!

2014 has been a challenging year for many people up until this point, with all the retrograde planets, the eclipses and the Grand Cardinal Cross (that is still present for quite a while, but not as direct as last week), sometimes it is hard to Breathe! However, I feel confident that all of this energy […]

Are you Compromising too much?

I’ve been contemplating compromise in the grand scheme of our lives. We are taught that we should be “in service” to the world; that if we want to love it is about “giving”; and that our ego is “bad”. Then I reflected upon our dreams and desires, how we need to set intentions and be […]

Are You Ready for New Beginnings?

This month I listened to a teleclass given by Derek Rydall and although, I didn’t get caught up in the hype of his program that has all the answers to Wealth Consciousness, I did really appreciate his main points: the “Great Reversal” when we realize that everything we need is within us and whatever is […]

Victoria Lorient-Faibish Feb 28/14

As a Holistic Psychotherapist., Life Coach and Speaker, with a busy practice in Toronto, Canada, Victoria draws on a wide range of philosophies and modalities applying her own concept of “self-culture”.   Victoria has helped countless people move past depression, anxiety and with her proven protocols and techniques; she has helped so many discover their authentic selves and create […]

How is Love Unfolding in your life?

As we observe the colder than average winter, we begin to long for spring and warmer weather. Our groundhogs have unanimously decided that we are in for another 6 weeks (although, our meteorologists were already confirming this). On a brighter note, this is the shortest month of the year and the one I have declared […]

Jennifer Kautz, Co-host Nov 2011-Dec 2013

Jennifer cannot remember when dreams were not an integral part of her life. Always the daydreamer, she did not pursue her soul’s path until after her dreams led her to leave her 20 year career at General Motors and pursue her creative life of poetry, gardening and dream study. Jennifer is a graduate of Oakland […]

What are your expectations for this Holiday Season? Are they to be happy?

Lately, I’ve been discussing a lot about our expectations and how they can influence our patterns and how we interpret what is happening in our world. As we move into the Holiday Season, some of us become depressed and forget the magic that exists all around us. I thought I would like to take this […]

Gratitude ~ Can you be Grateful for what you don’t want?

What is gratitude? I just finished listening to Abraham-Hicks video on YouTube ( and although I don’t particularly agree with their view that The Law of Attraction is the only law that governs our lives, they made a couple of interesting points I’d like to discuss. The first point is to ask yourself, can you […]

The Rules of the Game

Recently, I’ve had a series of shows with Tom Campbell on consciousness. During our last 2 shows (please see his page) he has said some things that I believed to be quite profound. To understand his analogy think about a computer game like Sims or World of Warcraft where our consciousness is the person who […]

The Stories we Weave

This is one of the most important topics to date. Many people talk about changing our stories, yet, what are these stories. They are what we tell ourselves when something happens that we feel is personal. Like I’m stupid, I’m always abandoned, I’m sad, unhappy, and lonely… you get the idea (story). Our initial reaction […]

Armand Dupuis 4 ~Spirituality of Programs

Our Show discussed: The Spirituality of the Program and introduced newest Program for Sports. Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades. He is also the Developer of “The Entelechy Teachings” a Powerful Mind Training System for […]

What I learned in a year and a half of Frozen Shoulders

I’ve learned a lot in past year and a half. It started slightly earlier when I discovered that I had heavy metal poisoning. Searching for the cause became the catalyst to an intense period of learning about myself. First I began noticing all of the symptoms and effects like: weight gain, lethargy/exhaustion, itchy skin, Candida, […]

Present, Grounded and Balanced

During these interesting times, I find it increasingly important to be Present. Practicing mindfulness and being in the moment is always a great morning exercise to ensure you are ready to set your intentions for the day. Echkart Tolle suggests that you practice being present by becoming aware of your body and its responses or […]

Armand Dupuis 3 ~ Body Cycle Benefit

Our Show discussed: The body’s cycles and how to use these to your benefit with guest Armand Dupuis and Ingrid Coke Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades. He is also the Developer of “The Entelechy Teachings” […]


This has been a fascinating month! I have learned and discovered some powerful processes. My focus has been on “when the Law of Attraction doesn’t work” for some time. This past month I figured out a huge piece of why this Law doesn’t always work for everybody. The LOA puts the focus on “doing” everything […]

Armand Dupuis 2 – Entelechy

Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades. He is also the Developer of “The Entelechy Teachings” a Powerful Mind Training System for Actualizing Success Principles into Your Being and Accelerating Personal & Business Performance. Instead of just teaching Success Principles, […]

Nora WalksinSpirit Dec 12- Apr 13

An INFINITE MASTER BEING Come and sit in the presence of Master Being noraWalksInSpirit, sharing her Spiritual Enlightenment Teachings. She has tapped into the Illumined Energies of the Divine Dimensional Ones. Contact her to learn more about her channeled Wisdom Teachings. Teaching & Healing For more than 14 years, noraWalksInSpirit has been teaching and healing […]

Empowered Choices

I believe I have understood a huge piece of the puzzle this past couple weeks. I’ve understood how when it comes to relationships, it is never about the other person (which at the time was a huge learning for me). This past month when something occurred that triggered my feelings of victimhood I was able […]

Stacey Hall 3 shows from co-host

Stacey Hall, CEO and Founder of The Hall Institute of Intuitive Wellness, is saving the lives of people stressed to the snapping point! Stacey Hall is the author of “Chi-To-Be! Achieving Your Ultimate B-All™” and the creator of the Chi-To-Be!™ Mastery Program.  She is also the co-author of the global best-seller ‘Attracting Perfect Customers…The Power of […]

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