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A Heart’s Way ~ Shift from the Head to the Heart

I would like to invite you to begin to shift from your head to your heart. We are predominantly in our heads most of the time, reflecting the past, and projecting into the future. We distract ourselves with an array of “doings”, from trying to understand ourselves better, to trying to change ourselves, to trying […]

A Heart’s Way ~ Present Moment Awareness

To live in the Present moment requires us to be focused on the Here and Now, instead of worrying about the future or regretting the past. When you aren’t living in the now, you are most likely living in the past, by looking at a person from your past event that you wish you had […]

A Heart’s Way ~ Uncover how limiting beliefs, habits, and stories hold us back

What limiting beliefs, habits and stories do you have? Our stories center around our relationships with family, friends, partners, co-workers and/or bosses. We hold certain stuck emotions from our childhood that limit us from creating the life we desire, and keep us in our “head”, choosing fear over our hearts and love.

A Heart’s Way ~ Getting Clear about what we Want

In these times of uncertainty and confusion, we are often unclear about what we want. We are, on the other hand, usually very clear about what we don’t want. From the abusive or emotionally unavailable partner, the unfulfilling career or our looming debt. The problem with this is that whatever we focus on, we attract […]

Soul Purpose

Are you in your head too much, over thinking and worrying all the time? In times like these, we need to find a Heart’s Way. Clear the blocks to being in our Hearts, where we can listen to our intuition and express our Soul’s Purpose. This will assist us to gain clarity, step into our […]

Making Space

The past few months seem to be suggesting big changes and new beginnings for many, including myself. I have noticed that there is always a balance that needs to be achieved. Sometimes we push against the very thing we desire by not letting go or making space in our life for what we are desiring. […]

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