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What is Love

What is love? As we move into the Month of Love and Valentine’s Day, we usually think about romantic relationships and we dream of creating our “Happily Ever After”.

2012 Year of Choices

In 2011, I learned to surrender control, ask for help, lost dear friends, made some new ones, reconnected with old ones and began to accept who I am. I’m grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned and saddened by the reflection on how some lessons manifested.

Magic and Grace

Every December, I write about the Magic of the Season. It is the Magic of love, compassion, and generosity. I know it is around all year, but I believe we all connect with it more strongly at this time. It has the power to open our hearts. And this year, I have become enchanted with […]

Choosing to Deepen Commitment with Self

Last month I looked at Sabotage, this month I want to explore Choices and how we can “choose” to accept and love ourselves. What does deepening your commitment to Self mean to you? Consciously choosing to love and accept ourselves for who we are is much more challenging than choosing from a place of fear […]

Deepening Commitment with Self

I’m a firm believer in leading by example; I try and take 100% responsibility for everything I see happening around me. But I’ve noticed lately I’m giving the same advice over and over again about people sabotaging themselves and I know I’m as guilty of sabotaging myself as those that I’m guiding. Why do we […]

Conscious Creation from the Heart

My feeling is that Conscious Creation isn’t about the mind, or “The Secret” philosophy, which is the Law of Attraction. This keeps us focused outside ourselves. It focuses on the “who” we want in our lives, and the “how” which is all about control; the ego driven desires (biggest house, best education, fastest car, the […]

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