What is Love
What is love? As we move into the Month of Love and Valentine’s Day, we usually think about romantic relationships and we dream of creating our “Happily Ever After”.
That often means someone who will rescue us and/or finally love and accept us for who we are. Yet I have been observing this trend of non-committal relationships. I find that people don’t want to do the work required to maintain and continue creating the Life Partnership they dream about. Instead, we become complacent and don’t want to get messy, when it is easier to leave.
I wonder why we continue to dream of our life partner/soul mate, when we don’t even know how to love ourselves. The path to the Heart can be very scary, because we have to first uncover all the blocks on that path to an Open Heart; where we are required to feel through the pain and suffering, not just intellectualize it. This pain and suffering, often lies hidden in our unconscious and the collective unconscious of our planet. (These are our deep emotional scars of abuse, buried where we would like to keep them, personally and collectively)
However, even though that path is cluttered with obstacles, it also holds all the gifts to wholeness. This journey allows us to embrace all the aspects that separated us from our Divine Connection with Self, and expands our heart to allow for a partner that matches our vibration. This journey is the most important part of our evolution on this planet and it must all begin with Self. Whether in a committed relationship or searching for the “one”, our journey is to uncover the walls of our heart. Every trigger, blocked memory and painful emotion is an opportunity to become aware of our authentic Self and align with our own Soul as well as a “soul” connection with another. All relationships are our mirrors to our “authentic” Self and an occasion to evolve towards Love.
This month, I invite you to remember, especially since Mars is in retrograde, all the past and present hurts and triggers from your relationships (even your friend and colleague relationships). Look at them as gifts to uncovering your authentic Self. Forgive the people you perceive did you wrong. Surrender the anger, jealousies and judgements, to discovering the gift they have given you. Let go of the “lists” we create for our “perfect” partner, because it is just a form of controlling the outcome. Find something to help you begin to love who you are, and begin to build gratitude for your life. And let your Heart open to new possibilities for love! Happy Love Month!