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Realities of Creation | New Book

Realities of Creation Our New Book released on May 1st, 2016! “The Realities of Creation offers fresh . . . and differing . . . insights into the creation process. It opens up a world of all possibilities and addresses all perspectives. If you don’t get it in one chapter, you’ll get it in another!”— […]

I choose to tune into the reality where…

I have always been against the way the Law of Attraction (LOA) has been described in ‘The Secret’ and by many other people and their books that have arisen as a result of this documentary. Mostly I have had issues about it because it tends to focus on everything outside of us and, really, does […]

Experiences don’t create our beliefs… Our beliefs create our experiences!

We often live with the expectation that our experiences seem to dictate our beliefs; that everything that ‘happens’ to us creates, proves or justifies what we believe about the world. However, it is what we believe that is creating our experiences and until we accept this, until we look at the underlying belief we have […]

Purpose ~ Do you know yours?

Lately, the idea of ‘Purpose’ has been in my line of focus (I completed a show with Tom Campbell on Purpose). Purpose is this interesting concept that we have. We believe that our purpose is somehow tied up with our identity. So we have this grandiose concept of ‘what we do’ is ‘who we are’. […]

Love is…

I like to term February as Love Month, but what happens more often than not is that we think about what is Not Love. What do I mean by this? We think about love in February because of Valentine’s Day, which means we are thinking about ‘romantic love’. And most of our definitions of romantic […]

Discovering our Gifts

Wow. Another year has gone by. While channeling a message for our Heart-Centered Support Group I received a message that this year is all about uncovering our ‘Gifts’. As we contemplate who we are and become more authentic we get to step into our truth and we begin to see who we truly are from […]

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