Realities of Creation | New Book

Realities of Creation Our New Book released on May 1st, 2016!
“The Realities of Creation offers fresh . . . and differing . . . insights into the creation process. It opens up a world of all possibilities and addresses all perspectives. If you don’t get it in one chapter, you’ll get it in another!”
— DeeWallace, actor, author, and healer
Because we are multi-dimensional beings, we have the ability to create in several, if not many, different realities. We aren’t just limited to the physical world anymore. Truly we never were, but we just weren’t able to expand our minds to be able to see that. We had no frame of reference. The past is gone, taking with it all thoughts of playing small. We have found that magic lamp, and we aren’t limited to just three wishes―we can have as much (or as little) as we can handle.
This book is a toolbox, filled with ideas to help us move beyond our pre-conceived notions and limiting beliefs. The reader can take a little from each of the contributors and craft the method of conscious creation that best works for them―with consistency, ease, and grace! This book came about as a co-creation between the speakers on the popular Realities of Creation tele-summit. Each speaker contributed a chapter on their area of expertise― topics that they have been writing and teaching about for a while. If one particular author resonates with you, you can find more information on that topic on their websites. Our reality is changing and this book provides new information to assist you in your own path of conscious creation. Our subject matter experts that will be discussing different realities of creation so that you can gain insight into how to expand YOUR ability to create what your heart desires for your life are:
- Jean Adrienne ~ Creating with DNA And RNA
- Leslie Amerson ~ Emotional Mastery ~ Emotional Freedom
- Julia Griffin~ Creating From Your True Self
- Laurie Huston ~ The Power of the Heart
- Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos ~ Creating through your Dreams
- Linda Minnick ~ Don’t Worry – It’s JUST Your Perception!
- Maureen St. Germain – Creating With Sacred Geometry
- Suzanne Strisower ~ Multidimensionality Aspect of Being
- Lynn Waldrop ~The Body-Mind Connection