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Resistance blocks JOY

This month a series of events allowed me to become aware when I was in resistance and therefore blocking the flow of universal love and joy. I participated in Emmanuel Dagher’s Core Attunements that discussed Evolved Wealth where he discussed service and tithing, which brought up some resistance and resistance was the purpose of the […]

Jasper (Mar 13, 2008-Oct 1, 2016) What I learned!

A piece of my soul was taken away on Oct 1, 2016 and graciously received back to Source. I now know what the terms “Beloved”, “Soul-Mate”, “Soul-Group” and “Twin Flame” all mean. They are all pieces of our one Soul; of course technically we are all part of the same “One” Soul. However, we have […]

Intimacy (Into-me-see)

Usually when I think of fall, especially at the beginning of Sept, I think about new beginnings, learning and change. This year my thinking seems to be on Intimacy. I mentioned last month I’m participating in Emmanuel Dagher’s “Core Healing” and this past week the theme was on Divine Partners. The topic of intimacy came […]

Healing is Remembering You Are Whole

As most of you know by now I look for my inspiration from my life. I dedicate my work to Growing and Evolving towards Love within myself first! So, when I connect with someone or a class I feel inspired to take, I will. This month Emmanuel Dagher is promoting his Core Attunements work that […]

Addictions to Wholeness!

This month I became aware of a deeper message on addictions: a deeper core message that results in us rarely ever getting over them but usually just substituting one addiction for another. There is a reason for this that is outlined in Guy Finley’s book Breaking Dependencies which was recommended by Emmanuel Dagher. Our addictions […]

What would you do… if you Loved yourself?

Recently, I came into contact with an amazing healer Ziad Hashash and have purchased his Divine Partner series that has been an incredible journey into LOVE! He asked this powerful question in his Self-Love session: If you loved yourself what would you do? To ask yourself this for 21 days every time you have […]

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