Love and Acceptance
A Year in the Life…
What no one expected: a Year of disruption, isolation, Lockdown and a New Normal. March 13th 2020 was the day in Canada that we had our first indication that things were going to get messy – school was not going to resume after the March Break – a week-long break that was beginning the next […]
In Fear We Trust
After my retreat with Tom Campbell this past January I wrote that I was inspired to write a book and this is the beginning of that book. The working title, In Fear We Trust, came to me because even though we like to deny it our fears are what we put our trust in. When […]
Shame on… Me?
I’ve been contemplating many things over the past few years – when my health began to take a turn with chronic pain when I had two Frozen Shoulders several years ago. I began to take notice of my emotions and fears. Dealing with chronic pain was new to me and I wasn’t sure how to […]
Past Lives
Recently I have been thinking a lot about past lives: why are they fleeting memories; why we chose to forget them; is there anything significant to learn by them; or are they just a distraction? The question is: I wonder if our past lives assist us to Grow Up towards Love or distract us from […]
Expectations and Attachments
We have all heard that we have Infinite Possibilities available to us as long as we can let go of expectations and are unattached to the outcome. Have you ever created a perfect moment? Have you ever connected to your Bliss where the Universe can’t help but reward you with feeling Love and Joy? We […]
Letting GO – Is it a Choice?
‘Letting Go’ is a concept I have worked with and discussed in my blogs for many years. Sometimes I feel that I understand it from just a mental notion and other times I feel that I understand it from a BEing level. However, offering a way for others to work with ‘letting go’ is not […]
Understanding Our Choices
Understanding our choices is the topic I want to explore this month. This month has been filled with choices: some I found were sabotaging and others empowering. I filled my days during this Venus retrograde with new choices and becoming conscious of my sabotaging efforts as a result of those choices. I have been preparing […]
Healing through Dreams & Synchronicities
Seems like an odd direction for my thought process this month … however as I was preparing for a 21 day healing event with Emmanuel Dagher and Ziad Hashash – where I had to come up with the direction for this healing opportunity – I uncovered a series of what could be seen as unrelated […]
News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Live Like Love
Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Love Month, Live Like Love. This is a deep conversation about the choices we make around Love in our lives. Our biggest problem is around trying to fix, change, teach or heal others. When we come from this place we are in […]