News for the Heart: Laurie Huston talks with Amit Goswami
Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Author, Quantum physicist Amit Goswami (known for his role in What the Bleep) on his newest book: The Every Thing Answer Book: How Quantum Science Explains Love, Death, and the Meaning of Life. Goswami’s basic premise is that quantum physics is not only the future of […]
Letting GO – Is it a Choice?
‘Letting Go’ is a concept I have worked with and discussed in my blogs for many years. Sometimes I feel that I understand it from just a mental notion and other times I feel that I understand it from a BEing level. However, offering a way for others to work with ‘letting go’ is not […]
Peace Force on Earth Teleclass
Hi Friend.. I am very excited to share with you that I will be featuring as a guest speaker in a new summit, PeaceForceonEarth, hosted by Sindhu Singh, MD, and launching on Jan 27th 2017. PeaceForceonEarth is truly a quantum connection venture- all that you have to do is to state an intention of being […]
Intuition, Prophecy and Visions Teleclass
Hi, Do you want to know about your future, and receive your own psychic visions? You have these abilities and so much more! That’s what we’re talking about in this fascinating free event, Intuition, Prophecy and Visions. Free Sign Up Here I am one of the teachers interviewed and we […]