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Jeff Brown 25/09/08 Author of SoulShaping

“Jeff Brown was a prize winning university student, and apprenticed with Canada’s most famous criminal lawyer, Eddie Greenspan. Then he walked away and began an inner journey in quest of his authentic face. That journey meandered through many inner and outer challenges and culminated in the recent release of his wonderful book “Soulshaping: A Journey […]

Dean Noblett & Rebecca Couch – 03/06/08

HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart Dean and Rebecca are committed to assisting others to engage their personal power of manifestation by integrating spiritual principles in their daily lives. Together they support and guide individuals to expand the vision of who they are and the world they live in by providing a deeper knowledge and […]

Bobby O’Neal 15/04/08

  Bobby O’Neal is the creator of the relationship game Syncrohearts. He was inspired during meditation to create a game that would help bring more love, laughter and harmony to relationships. He felt guided by Angels during the development of Syncrohearts and feels that the game has a powerful intention of love. Bobby has been […]

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