Featured Shows
Michael Brown 02/10/08 author of The Presence Process | |
Jeff Brown 25/09/08 Author of SoulShaping | |
Dean Noblett & Rebecca Couch – 03/06/08 | |
Bobby O’Neal 15/04/08 |
News for the Heart

News for the Heart is dedicated to helping you give a voice to your own Soul. Our hearts have the power to free us from pain and the struggle that keep us from awakening to our true essence. Join us as we delve into our Heart and Soul to find the path that will open us to the possibilities and lead us to the life we will LOVE to live. Join Laurie as she discusses all types of relationships, contemplating our connections whether they are intimate, friends, family or work. How our relationships impact our business, careers opportunities and/or starting a business. We will explore all areas of Relationships, as this is the quickest way to grow our consciousness. News for the Heart is my Latest Show. I have been a radio host since 2006. Check out my audio shows!!