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Walking Journey – Movement to Health

Wow! Can you believe the summer is almost over? I took a well needed rest from shows and writing to continue my journey to Health, my walking journey. I honestly didn’t expect to continue the walking journey for 2 years when I first started walking for health – but here we are. And it has […]

Letting GO – Is it a Choice?

‘Letting Go’ is a concept I have worked with and discussed in my blogs for many years. Sometimes I feel that I understand it from just a mental notion and other times I feel that I understand it from a BEing level. However, offering a way for others to work with ‘letting go’ is not […]

Understanding Our Choices

Understanding our choices is the topic I want to explore this month. This month has been filled with choices: some I found were sabotaging and others empowering. I filled my days during this Venus retrograde with new choices and becoming conscious of my sabotaging efforts as a result of those choices. I have been preparing […]

Healing is Remembering You Are Whole

As most of you know by now I look for my inspiration from my life. I dedicate my work to Growing and Evolving towards Love within myself first! So, when I connect with someone or a class I feel inspired to take, I will. This month Emmanuel Dagher is promoting his Core Attunements work that […]

Addictions to Wholeness!

This month I became aware of a deeper message on addictions: a deeper core message that results in us rarely ever getting over them but usually just substituting one addiction for another. There is a reason for this that is outlined in Guy Finley’s book Breaking Dependencies which was recommended by Emmanuel Dagher. Our addictions […]