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Virtual Reality

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell – Making the World a Better Place

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Making the World a Better Place. This is the fourth installment of Virtual Realities where Tom and I discussed how we Grow Up discussing our Soul, choices we make, the tools we use that work for us and making them as simple […]

News For The Heart talks with Tom Campbell on What Reality is all About

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on What Realities are all About. This is the third installment of Virtual Realities where Tom and I discussed how our Reality began and how all the 7.5 billion people have evolved over the past 200,000 years. The Larger Consciousness System is here […]

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Past Lives

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Past Lives as a continuation of our discussion on Virtual Realities. However, first we discussed Tom’s experiments and where they are and how to support his experiments (which is at Tom and I discussed the how Past Lives impact our VR, […]

Past Lives

Recently I have been thinking a lot about past lives: why are they fleeting memories; why we chose to forget them; is there anything significant to learn by them; or are they just a distraction? The question is: I wonder if our past lives assist us to Grow Up towards Love or distract us from […]

News For The Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Virtual Realities

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Virtual Realities. Tom and I discussed the three different Virtual Realities, Dream world that has no rule set, our outer world that follows a rule set – like physics and our personal inner world that includes our “story” and how that influences […]

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Realities

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on our Reality. This is a deep conversation about our different realities, probable reality, dream reality and how we create our Reality. It is always about Choice. We discuss that Tom’s work on News for the Heart is how to apply his theories. […]