Embracing Reverence: A New Perspective on Ego

2024 has been a confusing year so far. I had thought it would BE a Year of Peace and Revelations and it felt like a wonderful year ahead. Instead, I have had many challenges. The year began with hope and excitement and little by little the energies have been creating new challenges every day. This led me to search for guidance. I found Matt Kahn. His latest book All for Love helped offer a New Perspective on my Ego. Maybe it can help you too.
Let’s begin with some of the reasons 2024 derailed.
Pluto in Aquarius will be finally direct again on November 19th until March 8th, 2043. Currently, we are back in Capricorn as of Sept 2nd and our old patterns are currently being completed to prepare for its new station in Aquarius. Capricorn is all about asking us to see the corruption that lies at the heart of our relationship to the earth’s resources. And 2024 has shown us this in spades!
Our Earth has a great deal of corruption that is becoming more and more apparent. It has become a power tool for the greedy. As Pluto moves out of Capricorn we will see just how corrupt our planet has become. This may still take a few years to see all the ways in which corruption has been marketed as the ‘right’ and noble thing. Capricorn has shown us where the Power and Greed has corrupted our World.
Aquarius will be about transforming Toxicity. And AI is going to become huge – as Pluto in Aquarius is about technology. To embrace or NOT to embrace? This is the question. When AI technology began to make waves, I as skeptical and unsure whether I could accept this technology. As our entertainment media has shown us, AI technology could backfire on us spectacularly. Think Terminator, The Matrix and A Space Odyssey.
However, I have come to see the value in some of the new ways we can use AI technology effectively.
AI is becoming an increasingly versatile tool for navigating the complex landscape of modern digital platforms and trends. With the constantly shifting algorithms on social media like Facebook, AI can analyze and adjust to these changes more quickly than we often can on our own. For example, AI can help tailor content to maximize engagement by predicting which types of posts are likely to perform well, which audiences to target, and even the best times to post.
AI is also bringing clarity back to written content by making grammar, tone, and style more accessible to a wide range of users. With the help of advanced natural language processing (NLP) tools, AI can edit and enhance blogs or articles, keeping them polished and engaging.
As for addressing the challenges of 2024, whether that’s adapting to new technologies, dealing with information overload, or responding to global events, AI has the potential to support us in organizing, prioritizing, and even suggesting solutions – helping us work more efficiently and make informed decisions. It’s an exciting time to explore these possibilities! (This is an example of AI… I asked for 3 different ways AI will make our lives better and it created the last 3 paragraphs. The featured Image is AI created as well.)

Ego games and the Roles it plays – There are many Spiritual teachers out there who believe we must transcend the Ego to BE awakened and fully conscious. I am NOT one of those people. In fact, I think it isn’t possible to let go of our Ego. I believe we wouldn’t even get out of bed if this were the case.
However, I do accept we must evolve our Ego. This does NOT mean expanding into what we believe is a Spiritual Ego. Unfortunately, a Spiritual Ego can be far more damaging to our growth. Some people truly believe that a more developed Spiritual Ego is evolution. Instead, a Spiritual Ego judges people as inferior. It has added a level of Ego that creates more pain while imagining that it is better.
Our Ego isn’t bad. It is misunderstood. In a call with Matt Kahn, he stated that our Ego has two functions. First is to Receive information. Second it is to respond to the information received. However, we allow our Ego to React unconsciously. When our Ego is ‘reacting’ it is unconscious and we aren’t coming from a place of BEing clear. When reacting unconsciously we are reacting from old patterns and are actually stuck in old patterns. Patterns that we have accepted as truth.
For example, something happens: like a friend gets angry at us for gossiping. This friend has heard that we gossiped about their relationship. The communication between each other has broken down. We react from a place in our past where we labeled ‘gossip’ as bad. Instead of finding out the truth, our ego decides that it, our ego, is right – therefore we react without being fully conscious.
Understanding our Ego and how it Responds should be more about our Letting Go of the need to control, manipulate, change or fix someone or something else. Our Ego wants to BE ‘right’ when it receives the information about something. And believes the way to make it better would be to control, manipulate, change or fix the information or the person. Rather, if we Respond we are coming from a place of awareness and understanding, and we listen. Listening comes from our Heart not our Ego. So, when we React, it is from a sense of Fear. When we Respond, it is from LOVE.
An evolved Ego understands that it isn’t in control. An Evolved Ego gives up trying to change anything and establishes its place is to Receive and Respond. The Soul and Heart are in charge of our lives.
Fantasy vs Truth – I’m probably the most excited about this little gem. The problems that I have endured most of this year has been around this concept. On another call with Matt Kahn, he shared one of the biggest deterrents that we have with our ego. We, because our egos, live in a fantasy.
Media has done us no favors when it comes to relationships. We have the Fairy Tales we grew up with and Jean Adrienne and I touched on this topic in our last show. When we were little and our parents, teachers and sitters read us Fairy Tales, the topics should have been disturbing. Cinderella was ‘rescued’ by fitting into a shoe? Sleeping Beauty entered a sleep due to being drawn towards the very thing that put her to sleep awaiting True Love’s Kiss from a stranger? Beauty and the Beast. Belle saw the Beast’s true self but was taken basically into a prison.
The media is filled with the ‘Meet Cute’ but not the heart of the relationship. A relationship is more than meeting and deciding to share a relationship. The only thing that we get to see now is the parents of the ‘Meet Cute’ may be divorced and we can observe the parents in a true relationship. Therein lies the problem. We have become infatuated with the ‘romantic concept’ of relationships – which are fantasies in most cases – and we have not seen the portrayal of true relationships.
‘The Secret’, the movie and the books, have enabled this belief that if we can ‘imagine, focus, and believe’ in a relationship we will attract it. So, many of us have probably spent hours and hours imagining our ‘perfect’ relationship – only to be disappointed and often shamed that we weren’t good enough to attract said relationship. Therefore, we worked harder and harder at trying to attract the true relationship. The problem was that we held onto a ‘fantasy’ of this relationship. If it doesn’t stand up to these ‘fantasy’ standards, then it isn’t ‘the ONE’.
What I didn’t realize is that what I thought I had ‘Let Go’ of – the idea of who, when, where, and how – I held onto what I believed a ‘good’ relationship should be. I kept the fantasy. And when my relationship looked different from the fantasy model of relationship, instead of accepting the differences, I got frustrated and angry.
The Acceptance that I couldn’t see, based on the uniqueness of each individual in the relationship, kept the beauty of my relationship stagnating. My unfair ‘beliefs’, held onto and acted upon by my ego – unconsciously and stuck in the past – were not my partner’s fault. They were mine. I held what I thought were standard understandings of a relationship. Except that they were my ‘fantasy’ view of relationships instead of Truth.
Once I realized that I was holding onto a Fantasy, my Ego and I could finally Let Go and embrace the actual TRUTH. The Truth was: I was holding onto a fantasy, not embracing the Uniqueness of my partner. He has the ‘right’ to BE who he is. He doesn’t have to fit into my fantasy. We both have the JOY of BEing who we are. Now if I can’t accept that, that is on me, and is my choice. This freed up my Ego to Let Go of the fantasy and BE. Without trying to control or manipulate the situations I was in as part of a couple.
The fact of fantasy or truth affects all of us on the planet and is a reason for 2024 being seen by so many people as a difficult year.

Reverence – This is taking our Ego to the place where we can see/feel the Reverence in others. Reverence is defined as deep respect for someone or something. Imagine how differently we would treat others – or our situations – if we had Reverence for them or the situation?
Our Ego wouldn’t have to react because it would KNOW inherently that within everyone and everything there is a Spark of Divinity. We all have the Essence of God/Source/The One/I AM within us. Even those who appear to be doing the Devil’s work have a Divine Spark of Source and may have a ‘bigger picture’ or deeper reason for what they are doing. We don’t always have to understand why something is happening. Even if our Ego demands it.
New Perspective – As we grow up, we discover many different perspectives that we used to hold as truth, no longer influence us the same. Growing up is learning to discern and Feel. Not everyone chooses to be Empathic, however, I feel this is becoming our new norm.
Instead, we can’t rely on clairvoyance or clairaudience as our primary senses because they can be corrupted. To explain what I mean regarding corruption, consider that the filters we use to see or hear are often already programmed by the age of 7. Most school systems are based on learning through sight and listening. However, we have already decided that the sky is blue, and a dog barks. We don’t question what our eyes are seeing, or our ears are hearing.
When it comes to Intuition, it should be more organic. We can’t rely on what we see or hear as we have already made a judgement. Nevertheless, when it comes to feeling, we have to step back and take a breath. Understanding our ‘feelings’ is more complex and we need to be present and consciously probe what we are feeling within ourselves and the impact another person or situation may have on our energy.
We have the ability to develop our Intuition from our Hearts. To me this is a form of Empathy or Clairsentience.
Our Hearts can NOT be broken. When we are hurt by a relationship, it is our Ego that hurts. Our Ego hurts most often because it ‘wants’ something else. When a person leaves a relationship, it isn’t because of ‘us’. They need something different. It could be the fantasy they are looking for. Or it could be because they ‘want’ or ‘need’ something else.
The Happening is: they Leave. We interpret this as personal. However, it hasn’t ‘broken’ our heart. It hurt our Ego. Then our Ego justifies the pain and hurt and blames it on the other person. We just need to understand how the Ego interprets what happens to us. Our Heart may shut down, but it isn’t from our Soul, it is from our Ego.
Our Heart is governed by our Soul. The heart FEELS. Reverence comes from our Heart and our Soul. Reverence is seeing the Truth and Beauty within another. ‘I AM’ is our Spark of Divinity and it exists within everyone and everything. Our Ego can recognize the Divine within when we remind our ego that the Soul is in charge. The Ego is to Receive and Respond. Our Heart Feels the Divinity and Reverence within all of life. And reverence allows our Ego to relax and Let Go of the need to control.
I haven’t looked into what the theme of Next Year, 2025, as yet. However, I can see that my outlook has shifted and I am much more Accepting of what happens and in Charge of how to Respond. Now, when I feel frustrated, I ask if I am holding onto a fantasy or if I am allowing the Truth to Unfold. This is my NEW Shift in Perspective and an opportunity to Feel Reverence for others.
A world of reverence would be far different from the world of 2024 that many – or most – of us have been experiencing.
The World is going through some wake-ups. We can either react or respond. We choose to see the world as Evolving Consciousness … and Waking Up – or seeing the pain and darkness – that is the catalyst. If we just see the problems, we should ask ourselves what is the reflection we are holding onto. What is the programming that we are holding onto – through our ego.
Let’s Embrace the Reverence. Let us see the Truth. Let’s, each of us, allow our Ego to Evolve and release the need for ego Reaction to determine our life experience. Together we can allow our Heart and Soul to lead. How do you want to end 2024?
Here are some approaches to end 2024 with Joy in our Hearts.
- Feel the Reverence within everyone you meet. Acknowledge their Divine Spark.
- Acknowledge the Truth, not only Your Truth. It’s not just Accepting what you Want/Need and having your Ego trying to force another to BE Your Truth, NOT their Truth. Truth doesn’t come from the Ego, but the Acceptance from Your Heart/Soul.
- BE and EnJOY!