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Soul’s Purpose

News for the Heart: Laurie Huston talks with Amit Goswami

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Author, Quantum physicist Amit Goswami (known for his role in What the Bleep) on his newest book: The Every Thing Answer Book: How Quantum Science Explains Love, Death, and the Meaning of Life. Goswami’s basic premise is that quantum physics is not only the future of […]

Experiences don’t create our beliefs… Our beliefs create our experiences!

We often live with the expectation that our experiences seem to dictate our beliefs; that everything that ‘happens’ to us creates, proves or justifies what we believe about the world. However, it is what we believe that is creating our experiences and until we accept this, until we look at the underlying belief we have […]

Purpose ~ Do you know yours?

Lately, the idea of ‘Purpose’ has been in my line of focus (I completed a show with Tom Campbell on Purpose). Purpose is this interesting concept that we have. We believe that our purpose is somehow tied up with our identity. So we have this grandiose concept of ‘what we do’ is ‘who we are’. […]

News for the Heart: Laurie Huston talks with Tom Campbell on Purpose!

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Purpose. We discussed the simplest ways to understand our Purpose, it is to Grow Up to evolve towards love! He offers tips and tools to help us focus on authentic Love vs fear. We discuss that Purpose isn’t this elusive Gift that […]