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energy clearing

What Affects Your Business?

You may not even be aware of it but your professional energy may be burdened by past business/employment relationships with colleagues, co-workers, bosses, and family where you may harbor old grudges and unresolved issues. Attachments to other people, material things, or the distraction of “social media” in your life can deplete your professional energy. An […]

The Filters of Fear or Love

Last month we discussed “expectations and attachments” and how they impact our enjoyment of life through keeping us stuck in how we respond to situations and people. Through this I shared that we all have filters on how we view the world. We often find it difficult to comprehend how a certain filter, such as […]

Keeping your Energy Clear

What a summer this fall has been! Caught in a heat warning for the past week I have been examining how we deal with our life and energy. This past week especially – near the end of the Heat wave we experienced – I felt slammed energetically between being over worked and being drained due […]