Conscious Evolution
Ego: Bad or Misunderstood?
As I am considering writing a book on fear and after my latest Blog which tried to define Fear – I feel the need to clarify fear and its relationship to Ego especially since many ‘spiritual’ teachers out there believe we need to get rid of our Ego because it is what holds us back […]
In Fear We Trust
After my retreat with Tom Campbell this past January I wrote that I was inspired to write a book and this is the beginning of that book. The working title, In Fear We Trust, came to me because even though we like to deny it our fears are what we put our trust in. When […]
News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Conscious Evolution
Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Ego, Growth, Consciousness, Intention and Control. This deep conversation began with an experience I had that Tom and I often discuss around Me versus Other. Learning how to detach ourselves and give space for the other to BE allows us to shift […]