News for the Heart: Tracy McBurney: Wholly Hail Mary
Laurie Huston from News for the Heart has advice with Tracy McBurney on a Healing Experience I’m calling Wholly Hail Mary. Tracy began with her journey towards health, expanding on last month’s show. Tracy remembered a workshop with Gregg Braden when he shared a story about discovering old religious scripts that had the original wording of Hail Mary Prayer.
The words were completely different and so is the energy of the prayer. We even tried an experiment asking for the Latin words of the prayer, where I thought it would be more powerful. However, this wasn’t the case. In fact it was much darker. The message of this show is that regardless of what needs healing, depending on the Healer level you come from, the old, original Hail Mary Prayer is powerful when you request this energy.
We also discussed different Healing Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. Not much is known of the 5th Energy Healer. This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!