News for the Heart: Tracy McBurney: Beautiful Emotional Eating

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney about Beautiful Emotional Eating. 2024 is a New Year and we began this year with a show on Emotional Eating through an older book from Doreen Virtue in 1995.
The book was called Constant Craving. A book Tracy taught to her students and got back into circulation. Tracy shared an important experience she had with her husband. He was asking her why she was always choosing M&M’s for movie night. When she stopped and asked, she went to the back of the book that has a list of common foods and what it represents. M&M’s were about a hunger and anger for romantic love over her other love of her work. Tracy was frustrated that she wasn’t spending quality romance with her husband due to her responsibilities with her work. Many foods represent areas we have fears around and our digestion is challenged.
We discussed how we need our Brain to be a receiver, not just judgment mode. Tracy shared how we need to balance our brains. The left brain is overly used compared to the right brain which is intuitive and creative. This book isn’t in e-book form but can be bought in paper back through Amazon. However, if you can get quiet and connect to your right brain, you may receive the answer about your choices. The key here is to NOT judge yourself, as that is indicative of emotional eating.
This was another Powerful Show with Tracy McBurney! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!