News For The Heart: Tom Campbell: the Consciousness of FUN

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on the Consciousness of FUN! This is the last show till fall and I decided it would be FUN to discuss how to raise our Consciousness through having FUN! FUN right?!
We shared many ideas to shift our focus, as often Spirituality is so serious. Tom shared that the ‘seriousness’ of Consciousness is because we hold fear. Ah the bane of our existence, literally. Fear!
As we shift our fears, as we face our fears, we open ourselves to BE Happier and have more FUN. Things that weren’t fun, like when I began walking, became FUN as I continued on my walking journey. Sometimes we have to push ourselves to allow the JOY in.
Tom’s Park was also a discussion as the exercises and different areas in Tom’s Park (his book) opens our Intuition and bypasses our Mind. Our Imagination is easier to get our Intuition than regular meditation. The last part of our discussion was how our day-dreams and night dreams help us see our authentic self. We are always available to Evolve our Consciousness and often we can see who we are through our day-dreams.
Let’s have FUN this summer and Grow up at the same time. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!