News for the Heart: Tom Campbell: I want to know what Love is

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell for Love Month, on I want to know what Love is…
To begin with, in this conversation with Laurie and Tom, we actively explore the key themes of love and self-acceptance. Furthermore, we challenge the common misperception of love as primarily driven by need. Indeed, they argue that true love is about giving freely rather than seeking to fulfill one’s own needs. In addition, self-acceptance is crucial, as negativity towards oneself can lead to depression.
Moreover, Tom differentiates between love, like, and trust. He emphasizes that love is unconditional and freely given, whereas trust and like must be earned. He criticizes traditional marriages for their conditional nature and suggests unconditional love and open relationships as a recipe for long-term success.
When considering separation, Tom stresses the importance of prioritizing children’s well-being. Younger children, he says, are more vulnerable to the negative effects of parental conflict. Tom suggests maintaining a positive and polite relationship for the children’s sake. Laurie agrees, highlighting the potential harm of constant arguing.
Tom emphasizes the importance of embracing change and letting go of fear. True love, he argues, is about giving unconditionally, even when a partner leaves for another opportunity. He defines love as a selfless act within a larger consciousness. Overcoming fear and self-centeredness is key to increasing one’s capacity for love, according to Tom.
True maturity, Tom argues, is not about age but about caring for others. He differentiates between acting polite and being genuinely kind. Laurie brings up the concept of love as a gift and the challenges of overcoming ego to treat others with kindness. She suggests self-awareness and taking responsibility for one’s emotions as ways to improve relationships.
We’re getting to the Heart of what Matters.