News for the Heart: Tom Campbell: Christmas Spirit

Laurie Huston from News for the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Christmas Spirit. Tom and I have done a show on Christmas Spirit or Magic almost every December.
This year, I guess how I shared my experience prior to the show, Tom really felt the energy I have always EnJOYed every year and often every day. We are able to connect with this Beautiful Energy whenever we want. Just Close your Eyes, Take a Breathe and Connect in with the Christmas Spirit or Magic. It always brings me such JOY and Warmth within.
I even have a tea that is called Santa’s Secret that to me is like a cup of Magic. It reminds me to slow down and connect to all that is Love in this world. Tom told us about some Magic he had, being invited to Costa Rica for an all weeks paid trip for an hour a day to teach on Consciousness. However, while away his house almost burnt down, and that is the reason his voice is a little rough this month. He came back to a lot of dust.
Connect with the Spirit of Christmas, the positivity of the JOY of Giving. Connect to the Feeling of a Warm Blanket of LOVE. EnJOY your Holiday Season! Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!