News for the Heart: Tom Campbell: All You Need is LOVE

News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on All You Need is LOVE. We began by discussing that the world is still going through growing pains. Bullying and Victimhood is trending. I wanted to address this because of a comment a friend reminded me that Everyone, even the Bully, at their core, wants to be LOVED and LOVE.
Both victim and bully are people who are experiencing a low entropy. They are, just like the seeker, looking for Love and to BE Loved. The spectrum is Fear or Love.
The Problem is that we are still repeating the patterns of our parents and their parents before them. We continue to reinforce the pattern with our own children. We are overwhelmed, tired, self-centered and doing the best we can do, in a world that is full of fear.
Our parents didn’t intend to repeat and lay their fears onto us. However, change has to begin with how we raise our children. Yet, to Lead by Example is the most successful way to achieve Healing the World.
We can’t change anyone else. We must be conscious of our fears. It is time that we see our responsibility. Examine our definitions that we believed about Love. The Behaviors that We Learned. Examine the beliefs we continue to hold due to our experiences. The Stories we tell ourselves, that We aren’t Loveable.
Our time is coming where we refuse to look at the symptoms of our fears. The problem isn’t in the symptoms but in the core fears we hold. We have low quality entropy where love has become need not Love. Time to look at our Capacity to Love. The more fear we hold, the less capacity we have to Love.
All We Need is Love. A brilliant song written in 1967 and more relevant now then in the time of Free Love. We are leading with our Heart and choosing to Grow Up. Another Powerful discussion with Tom Campbell! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!