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News for the Heart talks with Tracy McBurney on Immune System Energy

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Tracy McBurney on New Immune System. We began this discussion because I had been under the weather for over 10 days and Tracy had just worked with someone similarly that also required this New Immune System Energy. This is an important Healing for those who need it. We requested a Divine Hug and Divine Compassion and also our Divine Child joined it to make it even more important. It combined a way to connect Playfully – which is something we tend to forget that life doesn’t have to be serious. All we need to do is to set our intention and Willingness to Accept, Allow and Receive our New Immune System. Also, we shared the numbers that Lloyd Mear wrote in the book Energy Balancing by Numbers as explained in the show 3.6- This was another powerful show. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!