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News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on The Positivity of Growing UP

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Positivity in Growing UP. Our latest discussion was focused on how to make Growing Up more joyful and Fun. It is important to Live Life Fully, instead of making this journey so challenging and serious. Yes Challenges are necessary for us to look deeper and help us to Grow, but we forget that there is more sometimes. Staying Positive, finding ways to connect to others instead of hiding away – is key. We shared that two activities are helpful. One is to go walking (this was my way to reenter the world last summer – forging new relationships and finding Love) and the other is to volunteer your services to something that you enjoy doing. It is time we reconnected to the world and EnJOY all the wonder that surrounds us. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!

More on Tom…