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News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Forgiveness vs Acceptance

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell about Forgiveness vs Acceptance. Forgiveness is often stated with I can forgive but NOT forget. If you can’t forget – which is probably not only true but best, for else how could we learn – then we aren’t truly forgiving someone or something. It also suggests that we are making a judgement. So instead of Forgiveness we Accept both the person or situation. To do this is to Let Go of the anger and pain associated with our perception. Acceptance suggests that we can accept the person or situation for what it is. That it was the best the person could do. Also we discussed that anger isn’t a primary emotion and is hiding something. Acceptance is knowing that we are doing our best and being ok with it. It does not mean we have to like it or the person. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters! for more information on Tom