News for the Heart talks with Tom Campbell on Fear and Health
Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with physicist Tom Campbell on Fear and Health. We began our discussion talking about our thoughts and intention. Often we are too focused on what is wrong and bring too many thoughts about our fears. We become stressed and begin to create ‘dis-ease’ within our lives. Stress is Fear! We also put a lot of focus on pain – which increases the pain within us. Plus we need to be aware of why we are doing something and the emotions around the why. Are we frustrated when we shovel snow, angry at the weather or blaming someone when we do something that ultimately leads to physical injury? Our emotions – especially the negative ones – impact how we respond to situations. Our Growth/Evolution depends on us to be Conscious as we respond to what ‘happens’ in our lives. We can either get upset with what occurs in our lives or come from a place of acceptance. Acceptance is Owning our Lives. It doesn’t mean we have to like what happens, it means we Own it and find a way to free ourselves from blaming our misfortunes on someone or something else. We have the ability to BE in charge of our Happiness and BE Love. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!