News for the Heart: Lori Wilson on Reigning Peace & Powerful Intuition

Laurie Huston from News the Heart is talking with Lori Wilson on her New Year Message 2024 with Grandmother. The message is Reigning Peace.
Lori shared who Grandmother is, an entity she knew that she now channels. She discussed the Message Reigning Peace is about the Silent Child, the Orphaned Child and how to align our child to ‘Reign Peace’ in our lives.
We then showed the differences between her major work, channeling, Medical Intuition and Business Intuition. I offered to be the guinea pig, which was a Blessing for me. Beginning with a Channeled message from Grandmother about where my career is going. Grandmother suggested that I have been trying to create Community and this year it may happen in a BIG way.
We then went to my body for Medical Intuition and although I asked about my hormones, the first place we went was my digestion and then my hormones.
Lastly, we went to Business Intuition and I asked about the group of 7 MBA students that are beginning for a semester next week. She said 2 of the 7 will understand me and what I want and the rest will do research. If you ever want to know the differences between how we Intuit information, this is an excellent show.
Happy New Year 2024, may Peace Reign in our lives. Join us for this fascinating discussion! We’re Getting to the Heart of what Matters!
To listen to Grandmother’s 2 hour New Years Message… FOCUS 2024: ‘The Year Where Peace Reigns’ and to get this for free please use Coupon Code: LHvip24
Browse Lori Wilsons’ Website:
To view all the On-Line Intuition-based classes