Very Excited to offer this new and amazing work from creators Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka.
Their work is inspiring and one of the most inclusive new coaching I have encountered. It stays with my beliefs of the power of the Heart and adds in how we digest through our gut brains.
The latest scientific research shows you have three brains! You have
complex, adaptive and fully functional neural networks or ‘brains’ in your heart, your gut and your head.
mBraining coaches you in aligning your three brains to achieve greater
wisdom, success and happiness in a world of massive change.

This is one of the most powerful tools I have learned to date. It validates our Intuition through science and it empowers us to make choices from our Highest Expressions of “Compassion, Creativity and Courage”. You can finally discover your Soul Purpose and develop your Intuition so that you can follow your own gentle guidance. I rarely get this excited about someone else’s work, but these guys made me want to learn as much as I could about their fascinating new work and tools!
Get mBIT Coaching
Do you…
- Find yourself blocked from achieving your goals?
- Lack the motivation you desire in your life?
- Feel there is something missing?
- Want to connect with the deeper part of yourself?
- Get more out of life?
The mBIT Toolkit teaches you how to build:
- Intuition & Self-awareness
- State management & Self-control
- Courage, Motivation & Action-taking
- Decision-making & Problem-solving
- Habit control & Overcoming compulsions
- Health & Well-being