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Journey To Your Light ~Beth Lynch ~ 14/06/10

Journey to Your Light
Beth Lynch, Meditation Instructor, Medium and Intuitive Consultant
Every 2nd Monday of the Month @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST
June 14th~
Tonight we discussed the benefits of meditation, from setting a Sacred Space, setting Intention, no expectations, Journalling, Breath Awareness to our thoughts and emotions. We had a lovely short meditation to set Divine Potential.

Next Show August 9th

Beth Lynch will be discussing the relationship between the Self (personality) and Spirit (personal connection to the Divine or Higher Self). She will discuss the healing power of being connected to the Spirit world and how those crossed continue to learn, heal and love with us.
Simple ways to unite mind, heart, body and Spirit into daily life through meditation and why it is important.
Beth will speak on her book Journey To Light “Meditation For the Soul” as a tool for one to help connect to their spirit.
For more information go to her Website: