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How will you Master 2018

Happy New Year 2018! The year of Mastery and Love! I have seen different posts on what this year will be about. Intuitively I feel that this year is about Mastery and Love. I feel it is always important to set your intentions each New Year and forget your resolutions. Intentions are a choice we […]

Magic and Worthiness

As the Holidays approach I always feel the essence of Magic all around us. This energy is always present but feels stronger this time of year because of the excitement and anticipation of getting gifts for our loved ones and planning get-togethers with everyone who is important to us. Yet I know that for some […]

Shifting Victim Consciousness

I had an amazing interview with my favorite nuclear physicist Tom Campbell at the beginning of the month that we labeled “Tough Love”. This show had some very controversial points made that listeners responded to. The show really discussed how to ‘Let Go’ but most of the responses were to comments made around Victim Consciousness […]

Keeping your Energy Clear

What a summer this fall has been! Caught in a heat warning for the past week I have been examining how we deal with our life and energy. This past week especially – near the end of the Heat wave we experienced – I felt slammed energetically between being over worked and being drained due […]

Letting GO – Is it a Choice?

‘Letting Go’ is a concept I have worked with and discussed in my blogs for many years. Sometimes I feel that I understand it from just a mental notion and other times I feel that I understand it from a BEing level. However, offering a way for others to work with ‘letting go’ is not […]

Transitions: Fears from Change to Death

Transition can mean several different things. It can mean change; it can mean we are going through a different phase in our lives; or it can mean the ultimate transition, death. There seems to be a lot of fear around ‘transition’ and ‘change’ and maybe there is something in the word ‘transition’ that brings up […]

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