Rachelle Webb and Mary Georgia 04/11/10
Canada’s GoodSpotting Guide – Obsessed with the thrill of the ethical find.
EcocentricGuide’s mission is to be your online discovery guide for stuff you actually feel good about buying.
Consuming with a conscience goodness… Dig them for everything innovative-eco-fresh, indie-local, uber-sexy sustainable, and grassroots-genius good. They’re hell-bent on uncovering the ethical-esoteric and promoting the positive purchase – but above all, they encourage you to be a change agent. So go out and use your powers for good, by choosing to support ethical business.
Mary Georgio – P u b l i s h e r
Mary generates the power of unrivalled passion, pioneering strategy and fervent momentum into EcocentricGuide. Armed with an eagle-eye for trends, distilled from a diverse background in marketing – both from agency and client side, she harnesses the swell of a movement before its wave crashes the shores of general popularity. Not only is she the guiding force in the mission, she’s also undeniably a force unto herself. A vortex of eco-energy and channeler of innovation – she’s farsighted, incisive and is consistently inspiring with a passion for unearthing the niche and the esoteric. Luckily a touch of diva evens out the intensity of this breeze.
Rachelle Webb – C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r
Rachelle brings the creative heat to all that is EcocentricGuide. A free-spirited, unabashed truth seeker and an ever-evolving enigma… Inspired by diverse, multi-disciplined experience & fueled by an ardent spirit- organically grown and artistically honed – she bred the harvest of it’s fresh eco-image. Innovation drives the eco-stylings of this creative touchstone; With the heart of a philosopher and the mind of a scientist, everything is an intricate artistic discovery. She creates with consciousness and conviction and refuses to settle for mediocrity. Hey go ahead, call her a snob. She likes that.
Find out more at: www.ecocentricguide.ca